, pub-8333073382332676, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Paleo Lawry’s Seasoning: A Childhood Favorite
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Paleo Lawry’s Seasoning: A Childhood Favorite

I think many of us grew up with Lawry’s Seasoning Salt. It was pretty much used on anything - eggs, chicken, potatoes, etc. For me it was a favorite on eggs. My grandma used it on fried eggs, and I can still remember the taste. Oh, yum!

I haven’t had Lawry’s in years… the ingredients aren’t great, the quality of ingredients aren’t great and this childhood favorite of mine also contains genetically modified corn starch - YUCK! One of the first ingredients is also SUGAR! You know how I feel about being mindful of sugar. It’s in everything - dressings, condiments, chips, crackers, spices, etc. You can read more about sugar, here. I knew that this recipe would contain some kind of “sugar,” but I also didn’t wan’t it to be too sweet. Keep in mind, I still wanted this to taste like that childhood favorite seasoning.

For this recipe I used Maple Sugar in place of cane sugar. You could also use Coconut Sugar if you like. I have been playing around with this recipe for a little while every morning while making eggs. I finally got it!

I even went so far as to TASTE LAWRY’S SEASONING again! Say what? Now, normally I wouldn’t do something like that. Also, they were sold out of the little tiny bottles so now I have this huge $7 bottle of it… that was a waste. I wanted to see if we could do a taste comparison — well, we did, and I pretty much nailed it. There is a slight flavor that we can’t quite reach, but we are just calling it “chemically altered flavors” that we cannot copy-cat! HAH!

So… I present: “KRYSTEN’S” … OKAY! So I don’t know if we are actually calling it that, but that’s what’s on the label!



4 TB Himalayan pink salt

3 tsp maple sugar

1/2 tsp onion powder

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1 1/2 TB paprika

1 tsp turmeric

1/4 tsp black pepper (optional)


Measure all ingredients in a small bowl. Mix until combined. Using a funnel to pour into a spice bottle. I save and reuse my spice bottles for things like this.

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Hey! Welcome to Krysten's Kitchen... I guess I can say, "my kitchen." I am all about creating delicious recipes that are made with yummy, real ingredientsI love recreating old family favorites, sweets and everything in between. You'll find a touch of Disney, lots of amazing products and laughter along the way. I launched Krysten's Kitchen with the mission to share my years of research on healthy alternatives to everyday foods that most people can no longer eat due to dietary restrictions, food allergies or special eating lifestyles. 


In 2018, I received the Rising Star Award at ShiftCon & in May 2019 I lobbied on Capitol Hill with the Organic Trade Association and in October 2019 I received the Best Healthy Recipes Blogger at ShiftCon. You can learn more about me, my family and my story, here.

Welcome to Krysten's Kitchen. I hope you'll stay and eat awhile.

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